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Google Scholar profile for Shane Ross (publications listed by year)

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NumbaCS: A fast Python package for coherent structure analysis, Journal of Open Source Software, under review. OPEN ACCESS
(Jarvis, A., Ross, S.D. [202-])
(pdf) | (Python software) | (software documentation)

Monitoring wind and particle concentrations near freshwater and marine harmful algal blooms (HABs), Environmental Science: Advances, accepted manuscript, OPEN ACCESS doi 10.1039/d4va00172a
(Bilyeu, L., Gonzalez-Rocha, J., Hanlon, R., AlAmiri, N., Foroutan, H., Alading, K., Ross, S.D., Schmale, D.G. III [2025])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal)

Investigation of Interior Mean Motion Resonances and Heteroclinic Connections in the Earth-Moon System, 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Milan, Italy, 14-18 October 2024.. Paper IAC–24–C1.9.5.
(Kumar, B., Rawat, A., Rosengren, A.J., Ross, S.D. [2024])

Quasi-steady aerodynamic theory under-predicts glide performance in flying snakes, Journal of Experimental Biology 227, jeb247989. doi 10.1242/jeb.247989
(Yeaton, I.J., Ross, S.D., Socha, J.J. [2024])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (videos) | (3D model) | (data) | (software code for analysis)

The Resonant Structure of xGEO and Implications for Cislunar Domain Awareness, Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance (AMOS) Technologies Conference, 128, September 2024.
(Rosengren, A.J., Ross, S.D., Kumar, B., Rawat, A. [2024])

Cannabis pollen dispersal across the United States, Scientific Reports 14, 20605. OPEN ACCESS doi 10.1038/s41598-024-70633-x
(Nimmala, M., Ross, S.D., Foroutan, H. [2024])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (Supplementary Info) | (software code) | (video) | (news article) | (

Resonance widths, chaotic zones, and transport in cislunar space, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Broomfield, Colorado, August 11-15 2024. Paper AAS 24-368.
(Rawat, A., Kumar, B., Rosengren, A.J., Ross, S.D. [2024])

Atmospheric transport structures shaping the "Godzilla" dust plume, Atmospheric Environment 333, 120638. doi 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2024.120638
(Jarvis, A., Hossein Mardi, A., Foroutan, H., Ross, S.D. [2024])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (video summary) | (Supplemental Material) | (software) | (simulation video) | (SIAM News Story)

Convergence in Gliding Animals: Morphology, Behavior, and Mechanics, Book Chapter in Convergent Evolution (eds: Bels, V.L., Russell, A.P.) Fascinating Life Sciences. Springer, Cham. doi 10.1007/978-3-031-11441-0_13
(Khandelwal, P.C., Ross, S.D., Dong, H., Socha, J.J. [2023])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (book chapter)

In the Wind: Invasive Species Travel along Predictable Atmospheric Pathways, Ecological Applications e2806. OPEN ACCESS doi 10.1002/eap.2806
(Pretorius, I., Schou, W.C., Richardson, B., Ross, S.D., Withers, T.M., Schmale, D.G., Strand, T.M. [2023])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal)

Sensing atmospheric flows in aquatic environments using multirotor small uncrewed aircraft system (sUAS), Environmental Science: Atmospheres 2, 1351. OPEN ACCESS doi 10.1039/D2EA00042C
(J. Gonzalez-Rocha, L. Bilyeu, S.D. Ross, H. Foroutan, S. Jacquemin, A.P. Ault, D.G. Schmale III [2023])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal) | (video)

Harmful algal blooms and toxic air: The economic value of improved forecasts, Marine Resource Economics 38(1), 1-28. doi 10.1086/722598
(K. Moeltner, T. Fanara, H. Foroutan, R. Hanlon, V. Lovko, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale III [2023])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal) | (video)

Drone-based particle monitoring above two harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the USA, Environmental Science: Atmospheres 2, 1351. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.1039/d2ea00055e
(L. Bilyeu, B. Bloomfield, R. Hanlon, J. Gonzalez-Rocha, S. Jacquemin, A.P. Ault, J. Birbeck, J. Westrick, H. Foroutan, S.D. Ross, C. Powers, D.G. Schmale III [2022])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal) | (video)

Drone-based water sampling and characterization of three freshwater harmful algal blooms in the United States, Frontiers in Remote Sensing 3:949052. OPEN ACCESS Special Research Topic: Women in Remote Sensing. DOI 10.3389/frsen.2022.949052
(E. Hanlon, S.J. Jacquemin, J.A. Birbeck, J.A. Westrick, C. Harb, H. Gruszewski, A.P. Ault, D. Scott, H. Foroutan, S.D. Ross, J. Gonzalez-Rocha, C. Powers, L. Pratt, H. Looney, G. Baker, D.G. Schmale III [2022])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal) | (video)

Geometry of transit orbits in the periodically-perturbed restricted three-body problem, Advances in Space Research 70, 145. DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2022.04.029. Preprint at arXiv:2203.16019
(J. Fitzgerald, S.D. Ross [2022]
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal) | (arXiv) | (video)

Continuous similarity analysis in patient populations, Journal of Biomechanics 131, 110916. DOI 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110916.
(C.N. Hill, S.D. Ross, A. Peebles, R.M. Queen [2022])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal)

Beach-level 24-hour forecasts of Florida red tide-induced respiratory irritation, Harmful Algae 111, 102149. DOI 10.1016/j.hal.2021.102149. Preprint at arXiv:2105.11342
(S.D. Ross, J. Fish, K. Moeltner, E.M. Bollt, L. Bilyeu, T. Fanara [2022]
(abstract) | (pdf) | (video abstract) (journal) | (arXiv) | (Data Skeptic podcast episode) |

Is the Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent Field a Koopman Eigenfunction?, Mathematics 9, 2731. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/math9212731.
(E.M. Bollt, S.D. Ross [2021])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (arXiv)

Transition criteria and phase space structures in a three degree of freedom system with dissipation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 54, 36570. DOI 10.1088/1751-8121/ac16c7. Preprint at arXiv:2106.01339
(J. Zhong, S.D. Ross [2021])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (arXiv) | (video abstract)

Global invariant manifolds delineating transition and escape dynamics in dissipative systems: an application to snap-through buckling, Nonlinear Dynamics 104, 3109-3137. DOI 10.1007/s11071-021-06509-w. Preprint at arXiv:2010.11095
(J. Zhong, S.D. Ross [2021])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (arXiv) | (video)

Wind dispersal of natural and biomimetic maple samaras, Biomimetics 6, 23. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/biomimetics6020023
(G.K. Nave, Jr., N. Hall, K. Somers, B. Davis, H. Gruszewski, C. Powers, M. Collver, D.G. Schmale III, S.D. Ross [2021])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (3D printing files of samaras)

Differential correction and arc-length continuation applied to boundary value problems: examples based on snap-through of circular arches, Applied Mathematical Modelling 97, 81-95. DOI 10.1016/j.apm.2021.03.027
(J. Zhong, S.D. Ross [2021])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (preprint)

Multirotor-assisted measurements of wind-induced drift of irregularly shaped objects in aquatic environments, Applied Ocean Research 110, 102538. DOI 10.1016/j.apor.2021.102538
(J. Gonzalez-Rocha, A. J. Sosa, R. Hanlon, A. A. Allen, I. Rypina, D.G. Schmale III, S.D. Ross [2021])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (arXiv) | (video)

Lagrangian reduced order modeling using finite-time Lyapunov exponents, Fluids 5(4), 189. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/fluids5040189
(X. Xie, P.J. Nolan, S.D. Ross, C. Mou, T. Iliescu [2020])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (arXiv) | (video)

Undulation enables gliding in flying snakes, Nature Physics 16, 974-982. DOI 10.1038/s41567-020-0935-4
(I.J. Yeaton, S.D. Ross, G.A. Baumgardner, J.J. Socha [2020])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (video - general audience) | (video - technical audience) | (supplementary videos) | (Supplementary) | (data and software code)

Search and rescue at sea aided by hidden flow structures, Nature Communications 11, 2525. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-16281-x
(M. Serra, P. Sathe, I. Rypina, A. Kirincich, S.D. Ross, P. Lermusiaux, A. Allen, T. Peacock, G. Haller [2020])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (video) | (press release)

Finite-time Lyapunov exponents in the instantaneous limit and material transport, Nonlinear Dynamics 100, 3825-3852. DOI 10.1007/s11071-020-05713-4 | arXiv:1904.06817
(P.J. Nolan, M. Serra, S.D. Ross [2020])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (video 1) | (video 2) | (video 3) | (video 4) | (software at GitHub)

Wind profiling in the lower atmosphere from wind-induced perturbations to multirotor UAS, Sensors 20, 1341. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/s20051341
(J. Gonzalez-Rocha, S.F.J. De Wekker, S.D. Ross, C.A. Woolsey [2020])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article)

Pollution transport patterns obtained through generalized Lagrangian coherent structures, Atmosphere 11, 168. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/atmos11020168
(P.J. Nolan, H. Foroutan, S.D. Ross [2020])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (video 1) | (video 2)

Geometry of escape and transition dynamics in the presence of dissipative and gyroscopic forces in two degree of freedom systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 82, 105033. DOI 10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.105033 | arXiv:1907.10728
(J. Zhong, S.D. Ross [2020])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (arXiv)

On experimentally locating saddle-points on a potential energy surface using observed dynamics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 130, 152-163. DOI 10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.05.002
(Y. Xu, L.N. Virgin, S.D. Ross [2019])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (extended abstract)

Intercomparison of small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) measurements for atmospheric science during the LAPSE-RATE campaign, Sensors 19, 2179. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/s19092179
(L. Barbieri, S.T. Kral, S.C.C. Bailey, A.E. Frazier, J.D. Jacob, J. Reuder, D. Brus, P.B. Chilson, C. Crick, C. Detweiler, A. Doddi, J. Elston, H. Foroutan, J. Gonzalez-Rocha, B.R. Greene, M.I. Guzman, A.L. Houston, A. Islam, O. Kemppinen, D. Lawrence, E.A. Pillar-Little, J. Reuder, S.D. Ross, M. Sama, D.G. Schmale III, T.J. Schuyler, S.W. Smith, S. Waugh, C. Dixon, S. Borenstein, G. de Boer [2019])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article)

Global phase space structures in a model of passive descent, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 77, 54-80. DOI 10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.04.018
(G.K. Nave, S.D. Ross [2019])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (3D manifold for flat plate) | (NACA-0012 airfoil) | (flying snake airfoil) | (software - ManifoldID at GitHub)

A method for detecting atmospheric Lagrangian coherent structures using a single fixed-wing unmanned aircraft system, Sensors 19, 1607. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/s19071607
(P.J. Nolan, H.G. McClelland, C.W. Woolsey, S.D. Ross [2019])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article)

Trajectory-free approximation of phase space structures using the trajectory divergence rate, Nonlinear Dynamics 96(1), 685-702. DOI 10.1007/s11071-019-04814-z
(G.K. Nave, P.J. Nolan, S.D. Ross [2019])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (software - ManifoldID at GitHub) | (arXiv)

Coordinated Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and Ground-Based Weather Measurements to Predict Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs), Sensors 18, 4448. OPEN ACCESS DOI 10.3390/s18124448
(P.J. Nolan, J. Pinto, J. Gonzalez-Rocha, A. Jensen, C.N. Vezzi, S.C.C. Bailey, G. de Boer, C. Diehl, R. Laurence III, C.W. Powers, H. Foroutan, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale III [2018])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (video 1)

Experimental validation of phase space conduits of transition between potential wells, Physical Review E 98, 052214. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.052214
(S.D. Ross, A.E. BozorgMagham, S. Naik, L.N. Virgin [2018])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (pdf + supplement) | (extended abstract) | (related talk) | (video 1) | (video 2) | (video 3) | (software)

A tube dynamics perspective governing stability transitions: An example based on snap-through buckling, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 149, 413-428. DOI 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2017.10.040
(J. Zhong, L.N. Virgin, S.D. Ross [2018])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article)

Wind-driven spume droplet production and the transport of Pseudomonas syringae from aquatic environments, PeerJ 6:e5663. DOI 10.7717/peerj.5663
(R.B. Pietsch, H. Grothe, R. Hanlon, C.W. Powers, S. Jung, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale [2018])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (video 1)

Discrete-time optimization and safe-trajectory generation for satellite formation flying and proximity operations, preprint.
(K. Tetreault, I. Elliott, S.D. Ross, J. Black [201-])
(pdf) |

Control of gliding in a flying snake-inspired n-chain model, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 12, 066002. DOI 10.1088/1748-3190/aa8c2f
(F. Jafari, S. Tahmasian, S.D. Ross, J.J. Socha [2017])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (Supplementary video 1) | (Supplementary video 2)

Tube dynamics and low energy Earth-Moon transfers in the 4-body system, Advances in Space Research 60, 2117-2132. DOI 10.1016/j.asr.2017.07.046
(K. Onozaki, H. Yoshimura, S.D. Ross [2017])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article)

Computational Method for Phase Space Transport with Applications to Lobe Dynamics and Rate of Escape, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 22(3), 272-297. DOI 10.1134/S1560354717030078
(S. Naik, F. Lekien, S.D. Ross [2017])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (software - Lober at GitHub)

Global dynamics of non-equilibrium gliding in animals, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 12, 026013. DOI 10.1088/1748-3190/aa60e2
(I.J. Yeaton, J.J. Socha, S.D. Ross [2017])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (pdf + SI) | (Supplemental info) | (video) | (software)

High-Flying Microbes, Scientific American 316, 40-45. DOI 10.1038/scientificamerican0217-40
(D. Schmale, S. Ross [2017])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article) | (related video) | (related scientific review article) | (related slides)

Geometry of escaping dynamics in nonlinear ship motion, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 47, 48-70. DOI 10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.10.021
(S. Naik, S.D. Ross [2017])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (article)

Tube dynamics and low energy trajectory from the earth to the moon in the coupled three-body system, 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques (ICATT), 14-17 March 2016, Darmstadtium, Paper AAS 16-405.
(K. Onozaki, H. Yoshimura, S.D. Ross [2016])
(pdf) | (pdf of slides)

Identification of meteorological predictors of Fusarium graminearum ascospore release using correlation and causality analyses, European Journal of Plant Pathology 145, 483-492. DOI 10.1007/s10658-015-0832-3
(R.F. David, A.E. BozorgMagham, D.G. Schmale, S.D. Ross, L.C. Marr [2016])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (pdf of all Supplementary Material) | (related video)

Comparing Postural Stability Entropy Analyses to Differentiate Fallers and Non-fallers, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 44(5), 1636-1645. DOI 10.1007/s10439-015-1479-0
(P.C. Fino, A.R. Mojdehi, K. Adjerid, M. Habibi, T.E. Lockhart, S.D. Ross [2016])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (related talk)

Local finite-time Lyapunov exponent, local sampling and probabilistic source and destination regions, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 22, 663-677. DOI 10.5194/npg-22-663-2015
(A.E. BozorgMagham, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale [2015])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (youtube for Fig 7) | (youtube for Fig 12) | (youtube for Fig 15)

Highways in the Sky: Scales of Atmospheric Transport of Plant Pathogens, Annual Review of Phytopathology 53, 591-611. DOI 10.1146/annurev-phyto-080614-115942
(D.G. Schmale, S.D. Ross [2015])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (youtube 1) | (youtube 2) | (related talk)

Set-based optimal control in 3D time-varying velocity fields using alpha-shapes, in preparation
(N.M.W. Sharp, S.D. Ross [201-])
(pdf-draft) | (movie) | (youtube) | (software)

Experimental validation of a long-distance transport model for plant pathogens: application to Fusarium graminearum, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 203, 118-130. DOI 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.12.009
(A.J. Prussin, L.C. Marr, D.G. Schmale, R. Stoll, S.D. Ross [2015])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movie - Lagrangian stochastic model) | (movie - Gaussian plume model) | (permalink)

Atmospheric Lagrangian coherent structures considering unresolved turbulence and forecast uncertainty, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 22(1-3), 964-979. DOI 10.1016/j.cnsns.2014.07.011
(A.E. BozorgMagham, S.D. Ross [2015])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Experimental Determination of Three Dimensional Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents in Multi-Component Flows, Experiments in Fluids 55, 1824. DOI 10.1007/s00348-014-1824-3
(S.G. Raben, S.D. Ross, P.V. Vlachos [2014])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Seasonal associations and atmospheric transport distances of fungi in the genus Fusarium collected with unmanned aerial vehicles and ground-based sampling devices, Atmospheric Environment 94, 385-391. DOI 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.05.043
(B. Lin, S.D. Ross, A.J. Prussin, D.G. Schmale [2014])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

A theoretical analysis of pitch stability during gliding in flying snakes, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 9, 025014. DOI 10.1088/1748-3182/9/2/025014
(F. Jafari, S.D. Ross, P.V. Vlachos, J.J. Socha [2014])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movie - fall) | (movie - glide) | (journal permalink) | (related video)

Estimating the production and release of ascospores from a field-scale source of Fusarium graminearum inoculum, Plant Disease 98, 497-503. DOI 10.1094/PDIS-04-13-0404-RE
(A.J. Prussin, N.A. Szanyi, P.I. Welling, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale [2014])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Monitoring the long distance transport of Fusarium graminearum from field-scale sources of inoculum, Plant Disease 98, 504-511. DOI 10.1094/PDIS-06-13-0664-RE
(A.J. Prussin, Q. Li, R. Malla, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale [2014])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Computation of finite time Lyapunov exponents from time resolved particle image velocimetry data, Experiments in Fluids 55, 1638. DOI 10.1007/s00348-013-1638-8
(S.G. Raben, S.D. Ross, P.V. Vlachos [2014])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Real-time prediction of atmospheric Lagrangian coherent structures based on forecast data: An application and error analysis, Physica D 258, 47-60. DOI 10.1016/j.physd.2013.05.003
(A.E. BozorgMagham, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale [2013])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

A set oriented definition of finite-time Lyapunov exponents and coherent sets, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18(5), 1106-1126. DOI 10.1016/j.cnsns.2012.09.017
(P. Tallapragada, S.D. Ross [2013])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Small fluctuations in the recovery of fusaria across consecutive sampling intervals with unmanned aircraft 100 m above ground level, Aerobiologia 29(1), 45-54. DOI 10.1007/s10453-012-9261-3
(B. Lin, A. BozorgMagham, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale [2013])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Topological chaos, braiding and bifurcation of almost-cyclic sets, Chaos 22, 043135. DOI 10.1063/1.4768666
(P. Grover, S.D. Ross, M.A. Stremler, P. Kumar [2012])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (movie 1) | (movie 2) | (movie 3) | (movie 4)

Capturing near-Earth asteroids around Earth, Acta Astronautica 81, 523-531. DOI 10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.07.029
(Z. Hasnain, C.A. Lamb, S.D. Ross [2012])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Detecting and exploiting chaotic transport in mechanical systems. In: S. Banerjee, L. Rondoni, M. Mitra (eds.) Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 155-183, Springer, 2012.
(S.D. Ross, P. Tallapragada [2012])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (book permalink) | (link to our chapter)

Isolates of Fusarium graminearum collected 40-320 meters above ground level cause Fusarium head blight in wheat and produce trichothecene mycotoxins. Aerobiologia 28, 1-11. DOI 10.1007/s10453-011-9206-2
(D.G. Schmale, S.D. Ross, T.L. Fetters, P. Tallapragada, A.K. Wood-Jones, B. Dingus [2012])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Using topological equivalence to discover stable control parameters in biodynamic systems, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 15(8), 875-884. DOI 10.1080/10255842.2011.565413
(M.L. Tanaka and S.D. Ross [2012])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Dynamical Systems, the Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design, Marsden Books, ISBN 978-0-615-24095-4.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2022])
(description) | (pdf)

Caging the blob: using a slime mold to teach concepts about barriers that constrain the movement of organisms, American Biology Teacher 73(9), 537-541. DOI 10.1525/abt.2011.73.9.6
(C.E. Bohland, D.G. Schmale, S.D. Ross [2011])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (movies)

Lagrangian coherent structures are associated with fluctuations in airborne microbial populations, Chaos 21, 033122. DOI 10.1063/1.3624930
(P. Tallapragada, S.D. Ross, D.G. Schmale [2011])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Topological chaos and periodic braiding of almost-cyclic sets, Physical Review Letters 106, 114101. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.114101
(M.A. Stremler, S.D. Ross, P. Grover, P. Kumar [2011])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (movie 1) | (movie 2) | (movie 3)

Detection and characterization of transport barriers in complex flows via ridge extraction of the finite time Lyapunov exponent field, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 86, 1163-1174. DOI 10.1002/nme.3101
(C. Senatore and S.D. Ross [2011])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (movie 1) | (movie 2)

The computation of finite-time Lyapunov exponents on unstructured meshes and for non-Euclidean manifolds, Chaos 20, 017505. (Special issue on Lagrangian coherent structures). DOI 10.1063/1.3278516
(F. Lekien and S.D. Ross [2010])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (movie) | (other movies)

Detecting dynamical boundaries from kinematic data in biomechanics, Chaos 20, 017507. (Special issue on Lagrangian coherent structures). DOI 10.1063/1.3267043
(S.D. Ross, M.L. Tanaka, and C. Senatore [2010])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Mathematical modeling and simulation of seated stability, Journal of Biomechanics 43, 906-912. DOI 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.11.006
(M.L. Tanaka, S.D. Ross and M.A. Nussbaum [2010])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (movies)

Optimal capture trajectories using multiple gravity assists, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 14(12), 4168-4175. DOI 10.1016/j.cnsns.2008.12.009
(S. Jerg, O. Junge, S.D. Ross [2009])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (software)

Evaluation of the threshold of stability for the human spine, Journal of Biomechanics 42(8), 1017-1022. DOI 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.02.008
(M.L. Tanaka, M.A. Nussbaum and S.D. Ross [2009])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Separatrices and basins of stability from time series data: an application to biodynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics 58(1-2), 1-21. DOI 10.1007/s11071-008-9457-9
(M.L. Tanaka and S.D. Ross [2009])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies) | (journal permalink) | (software)

Designing trajectories in a planet-moon environment using the controlled Keplerian map, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 32(2), 436-443. DOI 10.2514/1.38320
(P. Grover and S.D. Ross [2009])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (Supplementary video 1) | (Supplementary video 2) | (other movies) | (journal permalink) | (software)

Revisiting the stability of 2D passive biped walking: Local behavior, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 237(23), 3038-3045. DOI 10.1016/j.physd.2008.07.008
(J.A. Norris, A.P. Marsh, K.P. Granata, S.D. Ross [2008])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies) | (journal permalink)

Optimal capture trajectories using multiple gravity assists, 2nd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, July 28-31, 2008, Porto, Portugal.
(S.D. Ross, S. Jerg, O. Junge [2008])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (software)

Particle segregation by Stokes number for small neutrally buoyant spheres in a fluid, Physical Review E 78, 036308. DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.036308
(P. Tallapragada and S.D. Ross [2008])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies) | (journal permalink)

Locating Separatrices And Basins Of Stability In Biodynamic Systems, ASME 2008 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008-193215.
(M. Tanaka and S.D. Ross [2008])
(extended abstract)

Fuel-efficient navigation in complex flows, Proc. of 2008 American Control Conference, 1244-1248.
(C. Senatore and S.D. Ross [2008])
(abstract) (pdf) | (movies) | (paper permalink)

Designing trajectories in a planet-moon environment using the controlled Keplerian map, 18th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Galveston, Texas
(P. Grover and S.D. Ross [2008])
(pdf) | (software)

Fuel-optimal trajectories in a planet-moon environment using multiple gravity assists, Proc. of 2007 International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics.
(S.D. Ross and P. Grover [2007])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (software) | (Supplementary video 1) | (Supplementary video 2)

Multiple gravity assists, capture, and escape in the restricted three-body problem, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 6(3), 576-596.
(S.D. Ross and D.J. Scheeres [2007])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (related talk) | (journal permalink) | (software)

Positive feedback in powered exoskeletons: improved metabolic efficiency at the cost of reduced stability?, Proc. of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 4-7, 2007. Paper DETC2007-35657.
(J.A. Norris, A.P. Marsh, K.P. Granata, S.D. Ross [2007])
(abstract) | (pdf)

Chaotic advection in the restricted four-vortex problem on a sphere, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 223(1), 36-53.
(P.K. Newton and S.D. Ross [2006])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Optimal flapping and rowing strokes for self-propulsion in a perfect fluid, Proc. of 2006 American Control Conference, 4118-4122.
(S.D. Ross [2006])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies) | (talk) | (paper permalink)

The interplanetary transport network, American Scientist 94(3), 230-237.
(S.D. Ross [2006])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (video 1) | (video 2)

Application of tube dynamics to non-statistical reaction processes, Few-Body Systems 38, 167-172.
(F. Gabern, W.S. Koon, J.E. Marsden, S.D. Ross and T. Yanao [2006])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (software)

New methods in celestial mechanics and mission design, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 43(1), 43-73.
(J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2006])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (software)

Theory and computation of non-RRKM lifetime distributions and rates in chemical systems with three or more degrees of freedom, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 211(3-4), 391-406.
(F. Gabern, W.S. Koon, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2005])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Transport of Mars-crossing asteroids from the quasi-Hilda region, Physical Review Letters 94, 231102.
(Dellnitz, M., O. Junge, M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden, K. Padberg, R. Preis, S.D. Ross and B. Thiere [2005])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Transport in dynamical astronomy and multibody problems, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 15, 699-727.
(Dellnitz, M., O. Junge, W.S. Koon, F. Lekien, M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden, K. Padberg, R. Preis, S.D. Ross and B. Thiere [2005])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink)

Connecting orbits and invariant manifolds in the spatial restricted three-body problem, Nonlinearity 17, 1571-1606.
(Gomez, G., W.S. Koon, M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden, J. Masdemont and S.D. Ross [2004])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (related talk) | (journal permalink)

Cylindrical manifolds and tube dynamics in the restricted three-body problem, Ph.D. thesis, California Institute of Technology.
(Ross, S.D. [2004])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (related talk) | (thesis permalink) | (software) | (book)

Geometric mechanics and the dynamics of asteroid pairs, Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1017, 11-38.
(Koon, W.S., J.E. Marsden, S.D. Ross, M.W. Lo, and D.J. Scheeres [2004])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (related talk)

Application of dynamical systems theory to a very low energy transfer, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, Maui, Hawaii, Paper AAS 04-289
(Ross, S.D, W.S. Koon, M.W. Lo, and J.E. Marsden [2004])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (Supplementary video 1) | (movies: intermoon transfer)

Design of a multi-moon orbiter, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 9-13 February 2003, Ponce, Puerto Rico, Paper AAS 03-143
(Ross, S.D, W.S. Koon, M.W. Lo, and J.E. Marsden [2003])
(abstract) | (pdf) (Supplementary video 1) | | other movies: inter-moon transfer | Petit grand tour | Earth to Moon

Statistical theory of interior-exterior transition and collision probabilities for minor bodies in the solar system, Libration Point Orbits and Applications (Eds. G Gomez, M.W. Lo and J.J. Masdemont), World Scientific, 2003, pp. 637-652.
(Ross, S.D. [2003]).
(abstract) | (pdf)

Statistical theory of asteroid escape rates, Physical Review Letters 89(1), 011101.
(Jaffe, C., S. D. Ross, M. W. Lo, J. Marsden, D. Farrelly, and T. Uzer [2002])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (journal permalink) | (Supplementary video 1) | (Phys. Rev. Focus article)

Constructing a low energy transfer between Jovian moons, Contemporary Mathematics 292, 129-145.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2002])
(abstract) | (pdf)

Halo orbit mission correction maneuvers using optimal control, Automatica 38(4), 571-583.
(Serban, R., W.S. Koon, M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden, L.R. Petzold, S.D. Ross and R.S. Wilson [2002])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (Supplementary Youtube video) | (other movies)

Low-Energy Transfer from Near-Earth to Near-Moon Orbit, NASA Tech Brief 26(3).
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2002])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies)

The Lunar L1 Gateway: Portal to the Stars and Beyond, AIAA Space 2001 Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2001.
(Lo, M.W. and S.D. Ross [2001])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies)

Near-Earth Asteroid Mining, Caltech Internal Report
(Ross, S.D. [2001])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (also at National Space Society: Asteroids) | (NSS Space Resources Library) |

Nuclear Thermal Rockets: The Physics of the Fission Reactor, Caltech Internal Report
(Ross, S.D. [2001])
(abstract) | (pdf)

Invariant manifolds, the spatial three-body problem and space mission design, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Quebec City, Canada, 2001.
(Gomez, G., W.S. Koon, M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden, J. Masdemont, and S.D. Ross [2001])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies) | Chosen as Best Paper of the Conference

Resonance and capture of Jupiter comets, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 81(1-2), 27-38.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2001])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (Supplementary Youtube video) | | (other comet movies)

Low energy transfer to the moon, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 81(1-2), 63-73.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2001])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies)

Heteroclinic connections between periodic orbits and resonance transitions in celestial mechanics, Chaos, 10(2), 427-469.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2000])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (pdf - author version with nicer figures | (journal permalink) | (Supplementary Youtube video) | (comet movies) | (Jupiter tour movies) | (software) | (book) | (youtube - Oterma (rotating frame)) | (youtube - Oterma (inertial frame))

Dynamical systems, the three-body problem and space mission design, International Conference on Differential Equations, (Eds. B. Fiedler, K. Groger and J. Sprekels), World Scientific, 2000, pp. 1167-1181.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2000])

Shoot the Moon, Spaceflight Mechanics 2000, AAS Vol. 105, Part II, 1017-1030.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [2000])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (movies)

Optimal control for halo orbit missions, Proceedings of IFAC Workshop, Princeton University, New Jersey, 2000, 1-6.
(Serban, R., W.S. Koon, M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden, L.R. Petzold, S.D. Ross and R.S. Wilson [2000])

The Genesis trajectory and heteroclinic connections, Astrodynamics 1999, AAS Vol. 103, Part III, 2327-2343.
(Koon, W.S., M.W. Lo, J.E. Marsden and S.D. Ross [1999])

Low energy interplanetary transfers using invariant manifolds of L1, L2 and halo orbits, AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Monterey, California, 1998, Paper AAS 98-136.
(Lo, M.W. and S.D. Ross [1998])
(abstract) | (pdf) | (Space Flight Mechanics 1998, vol. 99)

Surfing the solar system: invariant manifolds and the dynamics of the solar system, JPL IOM 312/97, 2-4.
(Lo, M.W. and S.D. Ross [1997])

Surfing the interplanetary tides, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 29(3), 1021.
(Ross [1997])
(abstract) | (pdf)

Dynamics of libration point orbits in the Earth-Moon-Sun system, Caltech Internal Report, SURF Program.
(Ross, S.D., A. Lange, M.W. Lo [1995])


...the heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. ... Anne Bradstreet

...the winds of Heaven mix forever / With a sweet emotion. ... Percy Bysshe Shelley