Words are slipping off like endless rain into a paper cup They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe. I am fond of the montage, the work composed of various materials or ingredients, made by sticking together photographs, impressions, bits and pieces collected here and there. It's the perfect medium for a mild schizophrenic like myself in a mildly schizophrenic city, like Los Angeles, in a totally schizophrenic country, like America. The world is like a volatile mixture, where strange new brews are being produced as new cultural elements, never before brought together, are being mixed in the same pot. Here's just one more product of clue overload, that constant barrage of complex and conflicting information and values, which can hardly qualify as knowledge. Here's one man's attempt to make sense of a world that doesn't. Paradox and symbol, story and parable, images and imagination -- these are our vehicles to explore the undiscovered country of truth. Reality. I hope you appreciate it.I sure enjoy creating it. Every artist is a cannibal Every poet is a thief. ![]() |