Statistics and transport in the restricted three-body problem
Shane D. Ross
Control and Dynamical Systems, California Institute of Technology
MC 107-81, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. E-mail:
The dynamics on a three-dimensional energy shell of the planar
circular restricted three-body problem are analyzed. Local chaos is seen
to occur in this Hamiltonian system in the regions between the KAM tori,
and is caused by the intersection of stable and unstable manifolds of
periodic orbits in what Poincare called the "homoclinic trellis." We
investigate the trellis, or tangle, by means of lobe dynamics, in order to
describe and quantify barriers in the phase space and transport
"alleyways." Furthermore, numerical experiments suggest that there are
energy intervals in which the motion approaches ergodicity, i.e., the time
average of any smooth observable along almost any trajectory can be
replaced by the microcanonical average of that observable. These
calculations suggest that further development of a statistical theory
within the restricted three-body model will be a fruitful approach to
astrodynamical problems.